Halloween II (2009) - A review by Camilo Arenivar

OK I really have mixed feelings about this movie. Rob Zombie's first Halloween remake at least clung close to the original and expanded the story, and added some modern touches to it. It was a job well done for the fans of the John Carpenter Halloween. If only the same thing could be said of the sequel.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II takes place nearly a year AFTER the night of the slayings in the first movie. That alone is a huge difference from the original Halloween II. It becomes very clear that this movie is indeed a direct sequel to his version of Halloween, and an opportunity for a lot more multiple slashings and killings. And a new Halloween movie of it's own. But that is what Zombie has said he was making, more of his spin on Halloween IV as a sequel to his first Halloween. So anyone seeing this needs to come to terms with that.
What Zombie does with the story in this second Halloween does not work. The alternate reality/ghosts of the mother (and little Michael?) all seem odd. Very gothic and weird, but cheesy and lame at the same time. That angle of the story does not work. Laurie Strode being made into a tortured goth type teenager clearly is a connection to the Zombie horror fans.
Rob Zombie's “Halloween II” is a Rob Zombie slasher film loosely based around characters and events created in John Carpenter's Halloween movies. As a slasher/horror film, this movie does work. I jumped at least twice and almost screamed another time. At the same time, it's probably a movie Rob Zombie could have made without Michael Meyers. Maybe he should have.
Did I like this movie? As a horror slasher film yes. As a movie worthy of carrying the Halloween name? No. Most fans of the original will not be amused, although younger horror film fans will like this for sure. Although Zombie is breaking no new ground with this film, if you like slasher films, you will like this movie.
Rating: 78
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