Friday, January 13, 2006


by Camilo Arenivar

What do you get when you mix an L.A. pre-op transsexual and the NYC hustler son he/she never knew he had? Then throw them on a cross country road trip with a few twists and you have an interesting and entertaining film.

The movie stars Felicity Huffman, as the pre-op tranny undergoing tons of psychotherapy to make sure she is ready for the permanent transformation. A week before her scheduled surgery, she gets a call from NYC Juvenile Hall saying her supposed son was in jail there. When she tells her therapist about this, the therapist makes her deal with it or she won’t authorize the surgery. That’s when things get funny.

I have mixed feelings about Huffman’s performance. I thought she looked really different, and that transformation was great. Maybe I am just being picky but I don’t think she sounded like a pre-op tranny as much as she sounded like a woman trying to sound like a man. It’s a good performance nonetheless..

The movie has weaknesses and there are times you are frustrated with the characters but overall it works as an interesting and entertaining story. Not a movie of the year, but if anything about this storyline or the people in it interest you, check it out.

Rating: 85


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