Friday, November 16, 2012

FLIGHT - A capsule review by Camilo Arenivar

Some movies are a lot more complex than they appear in their trailer, and Flight is clearly one of those films. The movie appears to be about an airplane crash and the legal predicament the pilot who saves most of the passengers on it faces. However, this film has much more depth than that. Pilot Whip Whitaker is a deeply flawed character that you still want to root for at times and Denzel Washington plays him with such fervor, it is likely to land him another Oscar nomination. The film raises many ethical and morality questions, and never really tries to answer them for you, but just shows you what has happened. The airplane crash scene and the moments leading up to it has got to be one of the most intense movie sequences of the year. Additionally phenomenal is the human element the flawed characters bring to this film.


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