Friday, November 30, 2012

Life of Pi - a capsule review by Camilo Arenivar

Life of Pi is a visually stunning movie with a deep philosophical edge. About a young survivor of a shipwreck and  his journey of survival, the film touches on self-discovery and spirituality in a manner that does not proselytize or embark in any specific religiosity.  While not for everyone, the movie definitely will find an audience.
The story telling is superb, the visuals are amazing. While it does have a few lulls, overall it keeps your interest as you are curious to see what will happen next in the survival adventure.  Definitely a candidate for a few Oscar nominations, particularly Cinematography, Visual effects, and maybe even an acting nomination for Suraj Sharma, who plays Pi Patel, the film's protagonist who encompasses the themes of the film flawlessly. I would not even be surprised if it gets a Best Picture nomination.



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