Source Code - A review by Camilo Arenivar

Source Code is a science fiction action thriller that takes us into the world of "time-reassignment" and a save the big city from mass destruction by finding out who blew up the train you were on plot. This is done in 8 minute intervals that make this a GroundHog Day straight out of the twilight zone.
The plot at times, although very interesting, may seem a little far-fetched. It's an action packed sci-fi thriller and these types of films require some suspension of belief. After all, they at least do a decent job at making it sound so plausible.
The movie overall is excellent, so long you don't think too hard about it. Jake Gyllenhaal is great in the role of Captain Colter Stevens, who is time-assigned to save the day. The action and suspense created by the premise of the movie works perfectly. You are highly entertained, making it for a great movie going thrill ride of an experience. Definitely one of the best movies of this genre to come out this year so far. The suspense and story keeps you going through the entire 94 minute movie. The ending, however, is one of those ones you will blatantly hate, or you will enjoy, but not quite be able to explain it. Despite this flaw, it is not enough to detract from the overall enjoyment of this movie. Go see it!
Rating: 89